
Item properties are shared between all content types: Items, blocks and decorations. All properties are optional.

Example with all properties set:

  "id": "mynamespace:clown_horn",
  "vanillaItem": "minecraft:paper",
  "models": {
    "default": "mynamespace:custom/misc/clown_horn"
  "properties": {
    "durability": 100,
    "stackSize": 64,
    "lore": ["line 1", "line 2"],
    "fireResistant": false


The items' vanillaItem will have to be a vanilla item that has a durability bar by default, otherwise it will not show up on the client side.


Number of items a stack can hold. Should be between 1 and 99 Values above 99 or 0 and below might cause problems™

Defaults to 64


List of strings to use as item lore. Supports PlaceholderAPI's simple text formatting.

Example: <c:red>MyLore</c>

Example: <lang:'mymod.lore.mylore'>


Boolean (true/false) wether the item is fire-resistant.

Defaults to false