Item Groups

You can add custom item-groups for your items/blocks and decorations.

This can be done by adding an item-groups.json file in the root of the filament directory of your datapack.

Here is an example of an item-groups.json file:

    "id": "mynamespace:mygroup",
    "item": "mynamespace:myitem"
    "id": "mynamespace:myblockgroup",
    "item": "mynamespace:myitem",
    "literal": "<c:red>My Block Group"



The identifier of your item group. This is used in the individual item/block/decoration files in the field group. Each config. type supports the group field.

The id is also used for the translation key, see below.


The id of the item shown as the Creative Tab Icon.


The name displayed for the item group - supports Placeholder API's basic text formatting. By default, a translatable string is used for resource-packs, using the id of the item-group.

The translation key looks like this: mynamespace.itemGroup.mygroup for an id of mynamespace:mygroup.

So an en_US.json for a resrouce-pack might look like this:

  "mynamespace.itemGroup.mygroup": "My Group"

or for german (de_DE.json):

  "mynamespace.itemGroup.mygroup": "Meine Gruppe"